Halloween Night.

Event Details

Halloween Night
Tuesday October 31st 7.00 for 7.30pm

For those of you who did not come to last year’s celebration, it was a (friendly!) gathering of suitably attired witches and warlocks in inventive costumes, with a meal, games and the odd surprise.
This year we will have a menu of chilli with accompaniments from Alan and Josie, and a buffet a la Trevor – so a delicious choice!
There will also be themed games and a quiz, not to mention PRIZES
– for the best dressed (in the spirit of Halloween, of course)……£10
– for the winning ticket draw…………………………………………………….a bottle
– for the table winning our Halloween-themed quiz………………..chocolates to complement your meal
….plus a few other surprises and bonuses being thought up still…
Tickets will be £10 and are available from Cindy (possibly at the Bingo evening on Friday 6) but do join us on the first of our off-season ‘specials’ and to make sure of your places please let her know.